Servings per container ...... 8
Calories .............................. 22
Calories from Fat ............... 1
Total Fat.............................. 0
Saturated Fat (g) ................ 0
Trans Fat (g) ....................... 0
Cholesterol (mg) ................ 0
Sodium (mg)....................... 136
Total Carbohydrates (g) ..... 6
Dietary Fiber (g) ................. 0
Sugars (g)........................... 3
Protein (g) .......................... 0
Vitamin A ............................ 7%
Vitamin C ............................ 8%
Calcium .............................. 0%
Iron ..................................... 1%
What You Will Need:
1 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple + 1 cup of Miracle Whip + 2 cans chicken breast + this package.
dried cranberries, dried apricots, dried onions, red & green bell pepper, sugar, dry mustard, paprika, garlic salt, & salt. Contains soy products.
In a large bowl, combine ingredients with this pocket. Let flavors blend a minimum one hour before serving.
1 can (20oz) crushed pineapple, drained.
2 packages (8oz) cream cheese, softened
In a large bowl, combine ingredients with this packet. Blend well. Let flavors blend a minimum one hour before serving.